May Update: Our Resource Guide is Ready

May Update: Our Resource Guide is Ready

Our free resource guide is ready for use. The ‘Sensory Resource Guide’ aims to support churches in establishing their own inclusive “Sensory Church”. This guide acts as a starting point by offering a list of useful resources and where they can be obtained. The total cost of these resources falls within the 2024 price range. It includes a visual timetable, ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ represented with widget symbols, and an overview of our worship structure in our specific context. Additionally, the guide presents 12 monthly sessions that encompass stories from the Old and New Testament, as well as events like Baptism, Mother’s Day, and seasonal celebrations such as Christmas, Christingle, Easter, and Pentecost. Furthermore, it suggests websites and books to enrich the overall experience. Please open the blog page (link above) and view the file. You can also download the resource for offline use.
Sensory Church Resource Guide E-Book (Bound Documents)

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