Author: Mary Withers

The Sensory Church Team

Latest News, Goodbye for now …

‘Sensory Church, sadly, said goodbye to Christ Church Oldbury on Sunday 14th July 2024. We had a lovely ‘Thanksgiving Service’. Symbols representing our mission and ministry were taken up during the Offertory. Thank you, Christ Church for your part in the journey and for the send-off. Can you help us….we are looking for a new…
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May Update: Our Resource Guide is Ready

Our free resource guide is ready for use. The ‘Sensory Resource Guide’ aims to support churches in establishing their own inclusive “Sensory Church”. This guide acts as a starting point by offering a list of useful resources and where they can be obtained. The total cost of these resources falls within the 2024 price range.…
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May Gathering: Pentecost: When the Spirit Came

In our May gathering we had an early celebration of Pentecost. We took part in an interactive story and using musical instruments we learned about when the spirit came on the disciples. They were hiding Other in a room with all the doors and shutters locked. They were afraid. Jesus had given them work to…
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April Gathering: The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed In our April gathering we discovered Jesus’ story of the Mustard Seed: A Sower sowed a tiny seed, a mustard. The tiniest seed, which grew into a huge tree and all the birds of the air came and made their home in its branches. The story of the Mustard Seed serves as…
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March Gathering: Mother’s Day

During our March Gathering, the focus was on Mother’s Day, delving into the crucial role of Mary, Jesus’ mother, in his life and ministry. Just like how our mothers support and uplift us, Mary did the same for Jesus during his time on earth. Our sensory Bible story journeyed through pivotal moments, starting from creation…
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Decorative Doll

February Gathering: Celebration of Baptism

In our February gathering we explored how we enter the church family through the celebration of Baptism. In Baptism we are joined to God the Father, through Jesus the Son by power of the Holy Spirt. We role-played a baptism with a doll. Pouring the water over the dolls head. A sign of the cross…
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Video Invite to Sensory Carol Service

Sensory Church oldbury invites you to a Multi Sensory Carol Service, with all the characters from the christmas story… Here is our address. We look forward to seeing you Christ Church C of E School: The Shine Centre, Albert Street, Oldbury B69 4DE. Please run the video too!

Multi-Sensory Carol Service

We have our Multi-Sensory Carol Service on 3pm on Sunday 10th December. There will be large print carol booklets, including a Braille copy, British Sign Language video carols to sing along to and an assortment of sensory objects and smells to explore associated with individual carols. Plus a ‘goody-bag’ to take home. Do come and…
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July Gathering 2023

We had a wonderful time today exploring God’s biggest present – Creation!  

June Gathering 2023

We welcomed four new families today as we explored the story of the Good Samaritan, though interactive story-telling, art, music and a selection of sensory trays. We had a great time together.