Sensory Church is now offering a themed bible story, art, craft and sensory activities during school holidays from 11 am – 1pm. There will be no Holy Communion at these Service. Why not stay on for a chat, coffee (or tea) squash and biscuits? We are looking for to seeing you at 11 am on… Read more
Our February gathering was a great success. We had a new family join us. Our story was about Jesus the Good Shepherd and we tested our skills at guiding our ‘sheep’. Our craft activity was making a sheep and giving it a warm cotton-wool coat. We celebrated by receiving a blessing or Holy Communion, songs, bubbles… Read more
We had a wonderful Christingle service at Sensory Church today: five families. Lovely to know that the word is out and we are growing. We listened to a story about the meaning of Christingle and we made our own Christingle. We gathered around and sang the Christingle song. We celebrated Holy Communion together and said… Read more
We had a joyful time when Sensory Church first launched on the 7th of December 2022. Our sensory activities were a great hit, including the dark den and bubble tube. The interactive Christmas story was enjoyed by all. We are looking forward to meeting again on the 11th of January 2023 at 3pm.