Category: Christmas

A Christingle orange

Our ‘Christingle’ Gathering

‘We had a lovely time celebrating Christingle on the 7th of January. The ‘orange’ representing the world’, the red ribbon, representing the love of Jesus for the world, the 4 sticks with sweets for all the good things in the 4 seasons and the lighted candle is for ‘Jesus the Light of the world’.’ What…
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Sensory Goody Bags

Mid December 2023 Gathering

Our Multi-Sensory Carol Service was a great Success when we met on the 10th of December. We had a ‘full house’ and everyone was in good spirits. We provided large print carol books, a Braille copy of the carols book, sensory items and objects to explore and smell associated with each carol and goody bags…
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Video Invite to Sensory Carol Service

Sensory Church oldbury invites you to a Multi Sensory Carol Service, with all the characters from the christmas story… Here is our address. We look forward to seeing you Christ Church C of E School: The Shine Centre, Albert Street, Oldbury B69 4DE. Please run the video too!

Multi-Sensory Carol Service

We have our Multi-Sensory Carol Service on 3pm on Sunday 10th December. There will be large print carol booklets, including a Braille copy, British Sign Language video carols to sing along to and an assortment of sensory objects and smells to explore associated with individual carols. Plus a ‘goody-bag’ to take home. Do come and…
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