Category: Gathering

April Gathering: The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed In our April gathering we discovered Jesus’ story of the Mustard Seed: A Sower sowed a tiny seed, a mustard. The tiniest seed, which grew into a huge tree and all the birds of the air came and made their home in its branches. The story of the Mustard Seed serves as…
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March Gathering: Mother’s Day

During our March Gathering, the focus was on Mother’s Day, delving into the crucial role of Mary, Jesus’ mother, in his life and ministry. Just like how our mothers support and uplift us, Mary did the same for Jesus during his time on earth. Our sensory Bible story journeyed through pivotal moments, starting from creation…
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A Christingle orange

Our ‘Christingle’ Gathering

‘We had a lovely time celebrating Christingle on the 7th of January. The ‘orange’ representing the world’, the red ribbon, representing the love of Jesus for the world, the 4 sticks with sweets for all the good things in the 4 seasons and the lighted candle is for ‘Jesus the Light of the world’.’ What…
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Multi-Sensory Carol Service

We have our Multi-Sensory Carol Service on 3pm on Sunday 10th December. There will be large print carol booklets, including a Braille copy, British Sign Language video carols to sing along to and an assortment of sensory objects and smells to explore associated with individual carols. Plus a ‘goody-bag’ to take home. Do come and…
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July Gathering 2023

We had a wonderful time today exploring God’s biggest present – Creation!